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If you’ve been meditating consistently for a year or longer, learning an Advanced Technique helps to accelerate the benefits of meditation. 

An Advanced Technique is designed to take your awareness to the subtlest layer between thinking and pure consciousness. An Advanced Technique usually changes the experiences you have in meditation — but more importantly, it helps you integrate your experiences into the waking state.

The Advanced Technique course includes two consecutive sessions and is customized for each student. The learning process may involve receiving a new mantra, or learning a new technique for using the mantra you already meditate with.

Why should I get an Advanced Technique?

When you first learn to meditate, you generally oscillate between thinking, transcendence (going beyond thought), and realizing that you're back in thinking again. The mantra you received during the initial four-session course helps the mind access that state of transcendence. An Advanced Technique takes things to the next level by encouraging your mind to stay in the subtle layer between thinking and transcendence. In the Vedic tradition, this is known as ritam. When we spend more time in ritam, we expand our awareness to include the subtler layers of life. This can translate to more creativity, more clarity as you go about your day — or as you contemplate bigger things — and a general sense of experiencing life "in full color."

Do I need to get an Advanced Technique?

No, this is completely optional. If you like, you can continue meditating with your existing technique for the rest of your life and continue experiencing benefits. An Advanced Technique simply helps encourage the process of having subtler and subtler experiences in meditation (and, as a result, in the rest of your life).

What's the learning process?

During the first session, your teacher will perform the same gratitude ceremony you witnessed when you first learned Vedic Meditation. Then, you’ll receive your new technique and be guided through the steps of meditating with it. We'll also review the mechanics of effortlessness, how to adjust to a new technique, and why your experiences with a new technique may be different.

In the second session, we'll discuss how your new practice is going, troubleshoot any challenges you're having, and make sure you're set up to continue meditating with success. We'll also explore the Vedic concept of ritam and discuss how your new practice can impact your waking-state life.