What is Vedic Meditation?

Unlike other forms of meditation that require focus or concentration, Vedic Meditation is an effortless technique.

It’s practiced by sitting comfortably with back support, closing the eyes, and gently thinking a specific sound (also known as a mantra) that triggers the relaxation response. After meditation, the mind is calmer, clearer, and more alert.

With consistent practice, people find themselves feeling more energized, thinking more creatively, and simply feeling happy for no reason. As a result, life’s demands are significantly easier to navigate.

Vedic Meditation is the easiest, most enjoyable meditation technique we’ve found, and we’re here to share it with you.


Vedic Meditation Course

The course is taught in-person over four consecutive days, 60-90 minutes per day.

During the course, you’ll receive your personal mantra and comprehensive instruction that covers the mechanics of effortlessness, what’s happening in your mind and body while you meditate, and how to sustainably integrate a daily meditation practice into your life.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to meditate successfully without needing an app, a guide, or even a quiet space. You’ll also have access to lifetime support from The Spring Team and Group Meditations with our worldwide community.


Want to Learn More?

Join us for an online Info Session. You'll learn why you don't have to control your thoughts in order to meditate (because that's impossible), how Vedic Meditation unlocks a deep state of rest for the body and mind, and more.

Can’t make it to an Info Session? Book a 20-minute Intro Call with one of our teachers and get your questions answered. Email us using the form below, and we’ll be in touch to schedule a call.



I've never been able to quiet my mind. Will Vedic Meditation work for me?

Yes, anyone can learn Vedic Meditation. Success with the practice doesn’t require any special skills, mental or physical attributes, or a particular lifestyle. You simply need to be open, curious, and willing to follow some simple instructions.

If you can think, you can meditate!

I've tried to meditate before and it was challenging, boring, or ineffective. How is Vedic Meditation different?

Vedic Meditation is different from other forms of meditation, which generally involve concentration (focusing the mind through effort) or contemplation (thinking about the meaning of something) – both of which keep the mind active.

Vedic Meditation is a completely effortless technique that naturally and spontaneously de-excites the mind. You sit comfortably, close the eyes, and silently use a specific sound (or mantra) to settle into a state of deep rest.

Do I have to chant, wear yoga clothes, or sit in a certain position?

No. Vedic Meditation involves sitting comfortably, with the back supported and eyes closed. To anyone watching, Vedic Meditation looks simply like resting. It can be practiced at your desk, on a couch, in a subway car, in bed, or in any seat with back support. You don’t even need silence in order to meditate – all you need is a place to sit.

Does this technique take years to master?

No. By the end of the four-session course, you'll be able to meditate on your own. You’ll also have access to Group Meditations and teacher support to stay on track with your practice.

How long will it take for me to feel benefits?

Most people report feeling calmer, more physically energized, and mentally clearer in the first week or so. Many people start to feel the benefits after their first meditation. All Vedic meditators have certain universal experiences, but specific benefits of the practice vary from person to person. Your physical and mental state when you begin meditating will shape your results.


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