Cosmic Body Technique, or CBT, is an advanced practice designed to help you connect with your universal (or cosmic) nature. Originally taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the technique is practiced right after meditation and takes up to three extra minutes. When practiced consistently, it’s a profound way to deepen your connection to everyone and everything.
You may be familiar with the Vedic concept that there is only one thing: pure consciousness. In other words, we are all individual manifestations of one indivisible whole.
Although this is a beautiful idea, it is meant to be directly experienced. Practicing CBT can help you integrate this concept into your waking-state life.
This class will include direct instruction in the technique, relevant knowledge, group meditation, and time for Q&A.
Note: Completion of a 4-day Vedic Meditation or TM course is a prerequisite for this class.
Already learned Cosmic Body Technique? You’re welcome to attend free of charge to refresh your practice — email us at for details.