8 Questions with Erin Claire Jones


Erin Claire is a Human Design guide and leadership coach based in NYC. Read on to learn how she cares for herself and how Human Design has changed her life.

1. Favorite wellness beverage? Celery and watermelon juice.

2. Favorite place in NYC? The Assemblage.

3. Describe your work in one sentence. I give individuals and teams the self-awareness and tools to align with their highest potential in their career, their relationships and so much more.

4. Could you share an example of someone whose life changed significantly through living their design? I can speak for myself here: Human Design has so deeply impacted me and how I relate to others, which is why I’ve been so inspired to share it.

I spent so much of my life trying so hard to be a doer — hustling all the time, trying to initiate opportunities — and not being very good at it. Learning that I was a projector so dramatically shifted how I operated and has provided such a powerful framework to use when I find myself out of flow. My work is now in waiting for recognition and invitation rather than initiating and settling into my role as a guide and teacher rather than a doer.

Human Design is never about changing who you are — it’s about giving you full permission to be who you’ve always been.

5. What do you say to people who are resistant to Human Design? I always remind people that Human Design is not a belief system — I’m never trying to convince people of anything. It’s simply a tool we can use to find a way of operating that will feel better and more natural and ultimately be more successful for us.

In my experience, those who are the most skeptical are the ones that become the most obsessed.

6. What is something you do daily to care for yourself? Go to bed early, wake up early and always move my body when I wake up.

7. How do you stay productive and efficient with your work flow? I’ve learned that it’s so much easier for me to productive and efficient when I am taking care of myself. When I am sleeping plenty, creating spaciousness in my day (which I honestly could improve on big time right now), taking time to rest in between spurts of working and generally feeling relaxed — it’s easy for me to prioritize and make progress on the big things.

Whereas when I’m overworking, not sleeping enough, having a hard time creating boundaries, I may get a bajillion of small things done, but I don’t find myself making progress on any of the big things. And also, I tend to get much more stressed and feel much less emotionally resilient in those times.

8. How has meditation impacted your life? I’ve been meditating since high school and it’s been such a powerful tool for me. My most profound experience with meditation was during a Vipassana in 2016 (10 hours a day of meditating for 10 days). I’ve never felt clearer or more grounded than when I came out of that silence.

But more recently, Kundalini Yoga & Meditation has been such a powerful practice for me. I’ve now been practicing for four years and became a teacher last year. In my experience, there’s no other practice that can shift my state of consciousness so quickly. It’s a powerful technology that combines meditation with movement, mantra and mudras to clear our subconscious, build up our nervous system and manifest all the things.

Thanks for sharing with us, Erin Claire!

You can connect with Erin Claire at erinclairejones.com and on Instagram@erinclairejones.

Arden Martin