Haven’t Meditated Lately? 3 Simple Steps to Return to Your Practice Today.


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Despite the fact that Vedic Meditation is simple and effortless, it can feel intimidating to start up again when you’ve fallen off the horse. The good news is, there’s truly nothing standing in between you and your next meditation (other than yourself).

If you’d like to get back into meditation but aren’t sure how to start, try these simple steps:

  1. Let go of any guilt or shame about your practice (or lack thereof).

    Real talk: No one cares how often you meditate. We often encounter people who feel the need to “confess” falling off their practice, but as teachers, we truly aren’t concerned wit how often you meditate. All we care about is supporting you and your practice, and the choice to seek support is all yours.

  2. Find a seat with back support. 

    Park yourself in the nearest chair, couch, bench, or vehicle. Don’t obsess about whether or not you’re 100% comfortable – any seat will do. As long as you have back support and aren’t in pain, you’re good to go.

  3. Find a timepiece.

    Use your watch, a nearby clock, or your phone (as long as notifications are off, or better yet, airplane mode is on). Check the current time, calculate 20 minutes from then, and keep that ending time in mind.

  4. Sit easily and close your eyes. You know what to do from here: Pick up the mantra faintly, don’t resist thoughts, and let meditation unfold without expectations. Remember, meditation isn’t about having a peaceful experience or any other result during the 20 minutes, it’s about the process of settling the mind and body down through effortless use of the mantra.

    Once the 20 minutes are up, you’ve done it! You’re officially back to meditating.

Want more support? Vedic Meditation is designed to be simple, but it doesn’t always feel simple – and support from teachers can make all the difference. Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter for meditators, and don’t hesitate to email info@thespringmeditation.com with any questions.

With love, Arden and Rick

Arden Martin