Twice Yearly | $50 ($25 for All-Inclusive Members)

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Spend the month of July resetting your digital habits, and watch it bring balance to the rest of your life.

We'll walk you through our unique framework for planning your own custom Digital Detox, so it's meaningful and effective for you. You'll use our Detox Menu to choose your own adventure, so you can reset specific habits without needing to become a hermit and hide from every screen in sight. You'll also get access to weekly check-in sessions with our conscious community.

With this program, you won't just reset problematic habits — you'll also gain a deeper understanding of why your digital wellness is imbalanced in the first place, and learn how to maintain balanced digital habits long after the Detox is over.

Digital Detox Schedule

All sessions will be recorded for those who can't make it live.

Kick-off Sessions (90 minutes): Sunday, July 30 at 10am ET

Take a step-by-step inventory of your unique digital habits, review our Detox Menu, and make a plan that suits you for the month of July.

Weekly Check-ins (45 minutes): Sunday, July 7, 14, and 21 at 10am ET

Final Reflection (60 minutes): Sunday, July 28 at 10am ET

Please note: Registration is a two-step process. After signing up below, you’ll receive an email with a link to submit payment.